Colossal Magical Beast
HD: 50d10+1000 (1250 hp) Initiative: -4 (-4 dex) Speed: 10, swim 20
AC: 38 (-8 size, -4 dex, + 50 natural) Attacks: Bite + 57 Damage: 6d10+15 Face/Reach: 200 ft. by 350 ft./30 ft. Special Attacks: swallow whole Special Qualities: damage reduction 50/+1, poison immunity Saves: Fort +49, Ref +12, Will + 28 Abilities: Str 40, Dex 3, Con 50, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14 Skills: Knowledge (aquatic environs) + 8, Wilderness Lore (aquatic) + 8 Feats: Iron Will, Great Fortitude
Climate/Terrain: Any ocean
Organization: Solitary, pair or sandbar (3-5) CR: 23 Teasure: ¼ coins, 25% goods, 25% items
Alignment: Often neutral Advancement: 51-70 HD (Colossal)
The Zaratan is a colossal turtle over 350 in diameter. It is so large that vegetation often grows on its shell, making it resemble a small island. In fact, many migratory species may take up residence on the creatures back, and may even become inhabited with humaniods. Zaratans slumber for 100s of years at a time near the surface of the ocean with their shells above water. This allows for them to become floating islands. If damaged severely (losing more than 5% of its hp), it recoils into its shell for 1-10 years before coming back out. Every so often a pair of Zaratan will float into each other. If they are of opposite sexes, they will mate. The process will take more than a year after a courtship of several decades. Zaratans communicate with each other through telepathy, and conversations also take decades to complete.
Zaratans will bite and ingest anything that disturbs their rest. Swallow whole (Ex): On a successful hit, an opponent and everyone within 10 are automatically sucked into the creatures 40 maw. Small pockets of air inside the beasts stomach allow creatures to survive indefinitely. However, swallowed creatures take 2pt.s of acid damage per day spent inside the stomach. The interior lining of the stomach has an AC:15. Once 65 points of damage have been inflicted upon the stomach lining, the zaratan spits up its meal due to bad indigestion. Poison immunity (Ex): The zaratans metabolism is so slow that any poisons lose their effect long before they can make it to any vital systems. Damage reduction (Ex): The zaratans shell and hide are so thick and strong that only magical weapons can effectively harm the creature.