PROPAGATOR SWARM Gargantuan Ooze, Construct Hit Dice: 16d10 + 94 (182 hp) Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex) Speed: fly 60 ft (perfect) AC: 10 (-4 Size, +4 Dex) Face/Reach: 30 feet by 30 feet/0 feet Attacks: 1 Sting +14, ignores armor, per engulfed (see below) Damage: 2d8+3+Infect Special Attacks: Infect, Engulf Special Qualities: Swarm Resistance, Ooze and Contruct Traits Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +5 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 18, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 11
______________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any land Organization: Solitary, plus half-machine subordinates Challenge Rating: 14 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 17-32 HD (Gargantuan) 33-48 (Colossal)
Propagator Swarms are a way to spread the widely feared half-machine disease. Though they can be directed to certain targets, they usually roam mindlessly, infecting any living being they see.
COMBAT Propagator Swarms cant attack creatures normally. Instead, they engulf their targets, and segments of the collective form then attempt to burrow into their target, transforming it into a half-machine. If they dont receive specific programming, the creatures created by a swarm follow the swarm, destroying any creatures that threaten its existence. Engulf (Ex): Unable to attack normally, the Propagator Swarm effectively moves into a targets area of effect. The victim can either make a Reflex save (DC 22) to leave the area first, or can make an attack of opportunity, but it cant do both. At the end of the swarms move, it will get one attack against anyone inside its area, if it still has a standard action to use. In addition, anyone who moves into or through the swarm also receives an attack. This attack ignores armor and enhancement bonuses. Infect (Ex): If the swarms attack hits, it infects the individual with the half-machine virus, which is actually a swarm of tiny machines, which slowly kill the person while transforming them into a half-machine, unless the victim can resist the effect with an initial Fortitude Save (22.) This works like a disease with a Fortitude Save of 22 and an incubation of 1 day, but it cant be recovered from, and magical healing of less than a heal has no effect. The daily damage is 1 Constitution and 1 Charisma. When killed by the disease, the victim immediately revives with full Constitution and Charisma, but they now have the half-machine template, and serve either the swarm or the swarms controller. If reduced to half Constitution or Charisma, each limb or sensory organ on the creature has a 50% chance of being removed, and regenerate is required to re-grow them. Swarm Resistance (Ex): Because the swarm is composed of thousands of individual beings, some weapons have a hard time doing damage to it. Slashing weapons do only half-damage, and piercing weapons only do a quarter. Bludgeoning weapons, area-effect attacks, and elemental damage (including elemental effects on weapons) do full damage.