MAGRAKO Large Shapechanger (Incorporeal) Hit Dice: 4d8 + 3 (30hp) Initiative: +5 (Dex.) Speed: 50ft, Fly 50ft (perfect). AC: 15 (+5 Dex.) Attacks: Falchions +2/+2/+2/+2 Damage: Falchions 2d4+5 each Face/Reach: 5ft. x 5ft. Special Qualities: Polymorph-self Abilities: Str 20, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 6. Saves: Fort.+3, Ref. +5, Will +2 Feats: Weapon Proficiency(falchion), Improved Critical (falchion). Skills: Intimidate +2, Move silently +15 (+6 racial), Bluff +2, Hide +9 ________________________________________________________ Climate/terrain: Any Organization: Solitary CR: 5 Treasure: None Alignment: Any non-good Advancement: By character class
Magrakos are large, gaseous creatures with eight arms. They hover above the ground, and use falchions as their main mode of attack. These are not normal falchions, but falchions forged by magrakos themselves, made specifically to be wielded by incorporeal creatures.
COMBAT Magrakos prefer to ambush victims by hiding in an inconspicuous humanoid form. They walk near their victim, and shift back into their normal form when they have the best opportunity to kill. Once they are back in their original forms, the attack wildly with four falchions, with four arms free to do any other required tasks.
Polymorph-self (Su): At will a Magrako can cast polymorph self as cast by a 10th level Wizard, humanoid forms only.