PHAZANGO Medium outsider (chaos) HD: 2d8-1(7hp) Initiative: +1 (dex) Speed: Long legs 40ft, Spider legs 30ft climb 30ft, fish tail 10ft, swim 40ft AC: 12 (+1dex,+1natural) Attacks: Breath weapon, Claws+2melee, Create gifts,limited wish Damage: Claw1d4+1 Face/Reach: 5ft by 5ft/5ft Special Attacks: Breath weapon, create gifts, limited wish Saves: Fort-1,Ref+3,Will+0 Abilities: Str9,Dex13,Con8,Int11,Wis10,Cha10 Skills: Climb+6,Initimidate+4,Spot+4,Listen+2 Feats: Lightening Reflexes __________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground Organization: Solitary, Pack (2-5), or warp (4-12 and 1-3 slaads) CR: 3 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Always chaotic neutral Advancement: None
Phazangos are bizzare creatures with the head of a kobold, the torso of a human, and the legs and abdomen a spider. When a phazango enters combat, it must make a will save or randomly change to having spider legs, tentacles, or a fish tail. It gets a will save to change back at the end of every third round. Being creatures of chaos, they decide how to treat a party randomly. However, once they have made up their mind about how to react to an individual or a group, they will stick to it for the rest of the encounter. The one code they hold true is that they never harm children. Roll d% to determine their reation to the party.
Reaction 1-30 Beat unconcious with some minor injuries and subdual damage, then steal 200gp worth of possesions and fling off randomly after walking a short distance away. 31-60 Give 2-3 presents via create gifts to party members 61-80 Kill or at least reduce to less than -2hp. 81-00 Grant party a limited wish
Breath Weapon (Su): Every 3rd round a phazango can use a breath weapon, either a 10ft line doing 1d6 damage or a 20ft cone doing 1d4 subdual damage. Either way, roll d% to determine the type of damage. 1-20 Fire 21-40 Cold 41-60 Electric 61-80 Instead of doing damage, heals that much. 81-00 Sonic Limited Wish (Sp): Usable once per day, as cast by a 14th level sorcerer. Create gifts (Sp): Usable three times per day. Roll d% 2-3 times per recieving person.
Gifts 1-50 Wand 51-75 Potion 76-00 Gems
Potions 1-73 Cure light wounds 74-00 Bull's Strength
Gems 1-10 10gp 11-20 20gp 21-30 25gp 31-40 50gp 41-50 100gp 51-75 2d6+1 gems worth 10gp each 76-00 A black onyx gem worth 50gp
Wands (Note:The wand created by this spell-like ability take up 2 charges per use and can be used by anybody) 1-25 Wand of prestadigitation 26-50 Wand or ray of frost 51-75 Wand of magic missle 76-00 Wand of charm person