Large Elemental (Good) Hit Dice: 4d12+12 (72 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: Fly 70 ft (perfect) AC: 19 (-1 size, +1 dex, +8 natural) Attacks: Slam +20 melee Damage: Slam 4d8+30 plus 1d12+2 subdual damage.
Face/reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Special Qualities: Immunities, Planar Invulnerability, Planeshift
Saves: Fort +17, Reflex +7, Will +3 Abilties: Str 21, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 11 Skills: Intimidate +5, Listen +4, Knowledge (The Planes) +20, Spot, +3 Sense motive +5 Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Hover
_________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: solitary, pair, or pack (3-15) Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral good Advancement: 73-80 HD (Large), 81-90 HD (Huge)
VrGu are a gentle race of nomadic wanderers who traverse the atmospheres of different planes. Their purpose if any remains a mystery still, and although they only have marginal sentience they are capable of play, friendliness and wanderlust. Infact most of their waking lives are spent exploring to sate their curious nature. They rarely attack other creatures, unless they pose of threat of course, but they often run rather than put themselves at risk. They have a natural planeshifting ability, which they gain when they mature into adults. Despite their lack of intelligence, they seem to have a deep understanding of the planes and arcana. Although it's hard to percieve how such a semi-sentient being could have such knowledge, no one can deny they have it. VrGu are quite big, about 7 ft. across 9 ft. tall. They constantly float around as a Beholder would do so. They have rocky bodys with blunt but expressive faces, and as they grow large stony formations grow like natural weapons on their body. They can many colors including yellow, black, brown, tan, grey, white or any other stony color. When they are younger they have smoother, pebble like bodys. When they begin to grow however they become more rough to the touch and begin growing their body spikes. They live for about 70 to 75 years. They have a strange language, including low rumbling noises, stone grinding and other stony noises. They cannot speak many other languages, but they understand common.
VrGu are only violent when threatened, but those who incite their rage pay dearly. They literally slam into thei opponents, causing horriying injuries.
Immunities: VrGu are immune to all acid, cold, electricity, fire and stunning.
Planar Invulnerability (Su): Vrgu are immune to all planar dangers and affects. All those within 10 ft. of the Vrgu are also immune. Planeshift (Sp): Once per day a VrGu can use planeshift once per day as cast by a 15th level Wizard.