Fine Vermin Hit Dice: ¼d8 Initiative: -4 (Dex) Speed: 5 ft., burrow 20 ft. AC: 14(-4 Dex, +8 size) Attacks: Bite -4 melee Damage: Bite 1d2-4 Face/Reach: ¼ ft. by ¼ ft./0 ft. Special Attacks: Blood drain, blood-fest Special Qualities: Vermin, Sonic vulnerability Saves: Fort+2, Ref-4, Will-4 Abilities: Str 2, Dex 3, Con 10, Int -, Wis 3, Cha 14
______________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any underground Organization: Brood (2d4+8), or spawn (2d8+2) Challenge Rating: 1/8 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: N/A
Curį-kana are a species of small, annoying insects that inhabit caves and burial grounds. They generally avoid contact with larger, stronger creatures, especially humans. However, when blood is spilt, the vicious creatures will swarm towards the scent of warm blood, and begin to feast at the opened wounds- often killing the creature and resulting in a meal of fresh blood. Curį-kana look much like any other cockroach or beetle, except with a few more eyes than usual, all dimly glowing a blood-red in color. They feed off warm, freshly-spilt blood (and thus, cannot feed off blood thats over 25 minutes old), and will always swarm towards a wounded creature flowing blood. Upon sensing spilt blood, the Curį-kana will pour from the walls, floors and rafters and drop upon the creature, all feeding and feasting in a blood-crazed frenzy. Despite this feeding frenzy, however, Curį-kana will never attack an unwounded creature, no matter how hungry.
COMBAT As stated beforehand, Curį-kana always only ever attack wounded or freshly-killed creatures. Because theyre found nearly everywhere underground, adventurers and dungeon delvers are usually terrified of venturing underground, in fear that the dreaded Curį-kana will swarm upon their open wounds and tear them apart. Blood drain (Ex): For every 5 points of damage inflicted upon a creature by a Curį-kana, the victim suffers 2 points of temporary Constitution drain. Blood fest (Ex): Upon sensing freshly-spilt blood within the radius of 50 ft., all Curį-kana will swarm towards the wounded creature in a blood-frenzy, gaining 2 points of Strength and Constitution that lasts for as long as theres spilt blood. Afterwards, the Curį-kana is considered fatigued. Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects. Sonic Vulnerability (Ex): Curį-kana suffer from a -2 penalty to saves against sonic-based spells and attacks due to their reliance upon hearing to get around.