PSYCHIC BEHOLDER Large Aberration Hit Dice: 11d8+11 (60 hp) Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) Speed: 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (good) AC: 24 (-1 size, +11 natural, +4 Inertial Armor) Attacks: Eye rays +7 ranged touch, bite +2 melee Damage: Bite 2d4 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Eye rays, psionics Special Qualities: All-around vision, null psionics cone, fly Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +11 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 15 Skills: Hide +7, Knowledge (psionics) +10, Listen +15, Search +18, Spot +20 Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Inertial Armor, Shot on the Run __________________________________
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary, pair, or cluster (3-6) Challenge Rating: 14 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil Advancement: 12-16 HD (Large); 17-33 HD (Huge)
Psychic beholders are the psionic brethren of the fearful beholders. Psychic beholders are often known as "Eyes of the Mind." Whatever the name, adventurers hold the same fear and respect to these creatures as they do any other beholder. Psychic beholders are very similar to a typical beholder. They have ten small eyes upon stalks, they are large orb-like creatures with a central eye, and the have a large, toothy maw. However, psychic beholders have a bluish-green glow around them, which is produced by their inertial armor. Psychic beholders speak their own language, as well as Common and Undercommon.
COMBAT Eye Rays (Su): Each of the ten small eyes can produce a psionic ray once a round, even when the psychic beholder is attacking physically or moving at full speed. The creature can easily aim all its eyes upward, but its own body tends to get in the way when it tries to aim the rays in other directions. During a round, the creature can aim only three eye rays at targets in any one arc other than up (forward, backward, left, right, or down). The remaining eyes must aim at targets in other arcs or not at all. A psychic beholder can tilt and pan its body each round to change which rays it can bring to bear in an arc. Each eye's effect resembles a power manifested by a 13th-level psion but follows the rules for a ray. All rays have a range of 150 feet and a save DC of 18.
Charm Person: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the power. Psychic beholders use this ray to confuse the opposition, usually employing it early in a fight. The psychic beholder generally instructs a charmed target to either restrain a comrade or stand aside.
Charm Monster: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the power. Psychic beholders use this ray in the same manner as the charm person ray.
Crisis of Breath: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the power. Psychic beholders use this ray on spellcasters and manifesters they find troublesome.
Greater Concussion: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the power. Those passing the save suffer half damage.
Disintegrate: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the power. The psychic beholder likes to use this ray on any foe it considers a real threat.
Improved Psychokinetic Blast: The target suffers the effects of the improved psychokinetic blast power. Psychic beholders use this ray on melee attackers in order to keep them away. No save is allowed.
Mental Disruption: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the power. Psychic beholders use this ray to buy time in a combat.
Insanity: The target must succeed at a Will save or be affected as though by the power. Psychic beholders use this ray to cause chaos amongst its foes.
Psychoapotosis: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the power. Psychic beholders use this ray to quickly deal with foes.
Telekinesis: The psychic beholder can move objects or creatures that weigh up to 325 pounds, as though with a telekinesis power. Creatures can resist the effect with a successful Will save.
Psionics (Sp): At will-astral construct VII, biofeedback, displacement, fate of one, mass concussion, and wall of ectoplasm. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will-ego whip, psychic crush/intellect fortress, thought shield. All-Around Vision (Ex): Psychic beholders are exceptionally alert and circumspect. Their many eyes give them a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks, and they can't be flanked. Null Psionics Cone (Su): A psychic beholder's central eye continually produces a 150-foot null psionics cone extending straight ahead from the creature's front. This functions just like null psionics field manifested by a 13th-level psion. All psionic and supernatural powers and effects within the cone are suppressed-even the psychic beholder's own eye rays. Once each round, during its turn, the psychic beholder decides which way it will face, and whether the null psionics cone is active or not (the psychic beholder deactivates the cone by shutting its central eye). Note that a psychic beholder can bite only creatures to its front. Flight (Ex): A psychic beholder's body is naturally buoyant. This buoyancy allows it to fly as the spell, as a free action, at a speed of 20 feet. This buoyancy also grants it a permanent feather fall effect with personal range.