ARTIC BEHOLDER Large Aberation (Cold) Hit Dice: 14d8+42 (105 hp) Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) Speed: 5 ft, Fly 20 ft (good) AC: 20 (-1 size, +11 natural) Attacks: Eye Rays +12 ranged touch, Bite +5 melee Damage: Bite 2d4 (x3 crit) + Cold Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft Special Attacks: Eye Rays, Breath Weapon Special Qualities: All-around vision, Antimagic cone, Flight, Cold Subtype, Freezing Aura Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +11 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 17 Skills: Wilderness Lore +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Listen +15, Search +18, Spot +20 Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (Ray) ______________________________ Climate/Terrain: Arctic land and underground Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Cluster (1d4+2) Challenge Rating: 14 Treasure: Double Standard Alignment: Usually Lawful Evil Advancement: 15-16 HD (Large), 17-32 HD (Huge), 33-48 HD (Gargantuan)
Arctic Beholders resemble Beholders , but have a light blue and teal tint to them, giving them the appearance of being always frozen. A cold mist emanates from them as they breathe, and they have tiny ice crystals across their six-foot diameter bodies.
Arctic Beholders use tactics much like conventional beholders. Eye Rays (su): Each of the ten small eyes can project a magical ray once per round as a free action. The creature can easily aim all its eyes upward or downward, although each 90 degree arc around it can only have three eyes aimed into it at a time. Each eye effect is cast at 14th level, and is a ray for targeting rather than the normal method of the spell. All have save DCs of 17 + cha mod, or 20 for the standard type, unless otherwise noted. These rays have a 240 foot range, even if it says "As the spell" in spell description. Charm Person or Animal: Charmed targets are usually told that their friends are under the influence of a spell and must be restrained until it wears off. Charm Monster: Used like Charm Person. Hold Monster: Used on powerful warriors with bad will saves. Flesh to Stone: Used on anyone who looks interesting, or on arcanists. As the spell, except is a ray. Disintegrate: As the spell. Used on real threats and for digging. Fear: As the spell, except a single-target ray. Used on bad will save warriors to break up enemies. Chain Slow: As Slow, except the ray bounces among up to 14 targets set by the beholder on hits, accumulating -1 penalties to hit and on the save DC on each consecutive target. Inflict Critical Wounds: As the spell, except its a ray. Enervation: As the spell Telekineses: Ray to target object. Breath Weapon (su): The beholder may close its central eye and unleash a 60' cone of ice from its mouth. This inflicts 8d8 cold damage, reflex (DC 10 + 1/2 hhit dice + con mod, or DC 20 for the normal variant) half. It then opens its eye. For this reason, the breath weapon can be used while the antimagic cone is active, but the eye rays cannot (in the front arc) All-Around Visions (ex): The creature cannot be flanked and recieves a +4 racial bonus to spot and search from having ten eyes scanning around it. Antimagic Cone (su): A 60' cone in front of the beholder working like a 14th level caster's Antimagic Field. Once per round, as a free action, the beholder can turn its antimagic cone on or off, and it can change directions as part of a move (see flying maneuverability, wherever they put it) Flight (ex): The beholder's body naturally floats on air, giving it a permanent personal-only Feather Fall, and is the source of its fly speed. Cold Subtype (ex): Immune to cold, Double damage from fire except on a successful save. Freezing Aura (ex): 1d4 cold damage per round in a 10 foot radius sphere around the Beholder.