FILCHERANI Small Aberration Hit Dice: 5d4 (12 hp) Initiative: +6 (+4 Dex, +2 Improved Initiative) Speed: 40 ft. AC: 15 (+4 Dex, +1 Size) Attacks: Bite +3 melee, light crossbow +2 ranged, rapier +2 melee Damage: Bite 1d4, light crossbow 1d8, rapier 1d6 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Qualities: Detect Magic, Planeshift 1/day Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +6 Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 16 Skills: Knowledge (the planes) +5, Listen +8, Spot +8 Feats: Improved Initiative __________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Organization: Gang (3-6) or band (7-12 plus 1 4th-8th level leader) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Always good (any) Advancement: By character class
Filcherani are a friendly race of benevolant creatures that never stop in one place. They look like small ethereal filchers, about 3 ft. tall. They have the same patterning style, but come in any color combination imaginable. These colors tend to reflect their personaslity, e.g. their alignment. Lawful Good Filcherani tend to be very metallic in tone, with combinations of gold, silver, copper, brass or bronze. Neutral Filcherani tend to be more earthy colors such as black, white, brown, tan, grey, etc. Finally chaotic Filcherani often have bright and unusual colors such as red, orange, green, yellow, blue, magenta, purple, etc. They often have strange clothing combinations because they mix and macth styles from places they have been to or races or cultures they admire. This includes turbans, feathered hats, dashing suits, arabic jackets, kimonos, kilts, etc. Filcherani speak common, and celestial, infernal or abyssal, and auran, aquan, ignan or terran.
COMBAT Filcherani use tactics on non at all, it depends on the situation and needs. Most have trained in the magical arts so they have a few magic tricks or trinkets up their sleeves, literally. Detect Magic (Su): Filcherani continuously detect magic as the spell cast by a 5th level Sorceror. A Filcherani can suppress or restart the ability once per round as a free action. Plane Shift (Su): A Filcherani can use plane shift once per day. This ability is as cast by a 16th level Sorceror.
FILCHERANI SOCIETY Filcherani because of their natural planeshifting abilitys, they find themselves all too eager to go and explore. Even those of lawful disposition never stay in one location long. This is however, as they claim not for no reason at all. And this claim isn't ill percieved, for they always help to combat evil in whatever extraplanar form it decides to rear it's ugly head with.
FILCHERANI CHARACTERS A Filcheranis favored class is Wizard. A few are born magical and are thus Sorcerors. Many always take the wizard class to begin with, because Filcherani children are often tuaght basic wizardry to begin with, so many multiclass with other more specific classe's. Favorite ones seem to be Rogues, Bards, Fighters, Paladins and Monks.