MAUORAHN Large Elemental (Earth) Hit Dice: 3d8+8 (34 hp) Initiative: -1 Speed: 20 ft. AC: 20 (+12 natural, -1 size) Attacks: Slam +3 melee, Warhammer +4 melee Damage: Slam 2d6+4, Warhammer 1d8+4 Special Attacks: Psionics Special Qualities: Tremorsense, Immunities, Electricty Resistance 10
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +1, Will +6 Abilities: Str 19, Dex 9, Con 20, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills: Balance +8, Knowledge (psionics) +10, Listen +6, Psicraft +3, Stabilize Self +4 Feats: Power Attack, Psionic Weapon, Deep Impact __________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any land and undergrond Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3-5) band (6-9 plus 1 2nd level Psychic Warrior or Psion) or tribe (20-40 plus 3 2nd and 1 5th level psions or psychic warriors 20% non-combatants) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: Triple-standard gems, double-standard psionic items and arms Alignment: Usually Neutral Advancement: By character class
Mauorahn are entitys that originate from the elemental plane of earth. They at first look like a large chunky and bluntly physiqued humanoid with a mass of crystaline formations insted of a head. They are about 9 ft. tall and weigh up to 1'200 pounds. They can be found in any color included crimson reds, bright magentas, lime greens, even black and transparent white specimins have been sighted. Mauorahn are peaceful beings, they have the greatest knowledge of psionics and the secrets of gems than anyone. They speak Terran, Undercommon and Common.
COMBAT They often employ the potency of psionic powers and items against their foes. Infact few can macth up to them in combat without magic or psychic powers. Tremorsense (Ex): Mauorahn can automatically sense the location of anything within 80 ft. that is in contact with the ground. Immunities (Ex): Mauorahn are immune to fire and cold. Resistances (Ex): Mauorahn have an electricity resistance of 10. Psionics (Sp): At will-biofeedback, concussion, feel light, know location and stomp. 3/day-greater concussion, displacement and negate psionics. Combat/Defense modes (Sp): At will- id insinuation, mind blast/empty mind, intellect fortress, thought shield
MAUORAHN SOCIETY Mauorahn are a very sober minded and logical creatures. Although not particulary intelligent their mental discipline and wisdom of all psionic matters makes them a sought after species for information or services. They resent this popularity though and often hide in their home-plane only shifting the material plane when an important event to do with the astral powers of the psi occurs, when propecized individuals of great power are born and powerful god-like items are unearthed.
MAUORAHN CHARACTERS Mauorahn favored class is Psion. A great many also become Psychic Warriors. A rare few decide that they have lost their enthuisam for psionics and become Monks to improve their natural mental discipline, Paladins who protect prejudiced young psions or Rangers specializing in hunting psionic beings. Their creator deity Ghuraohr (Ger-raor) who looks like a giant 4 armed Mauorahn has Clerics and access to the following domains; Artifice, Earth, Knowledge and Strength.