DEMIHOLDER Medium-size Aberration Hit Dice: 4d8+3 (23 hp) Initiative: +2 (Improved Iniative) Speed: 5 ft., fly 20 ft. (good) AC: 18 (+11 natural) Attacks: Bite +2 melee Damage: Bite 1d8 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Spell-like Abilities or Psionics* Special Qualities: All-around vision, fly Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +9 Abilities: Str 9, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 17 Skills: Hide +9, Knowledge (arcana or psionics) +8, Listen +15, Search +14, Spot +18 Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Iniative, Shot on the Run __________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary, pair, cluster (3-6) or spawn (7-10 plus 1 2nd level psion or sorceror) Challenge Rating: 9 Treasure: Double Standard Alignment: Often neutral good Advancement: By character class
Demiholders are smaller, slightly weaker but more intelligent relatives of the Beholder. These creatures are not often evil, infact many are good beings that loath their monstrous ancestors. Their are 2 subspecies. Although they are all born with powers they are either psionic or magical. Magical Demiholders are slightly draconic with scaly bodys, reptilian eyes and charismatic features. Psionic Demiholders on the other hand have smooth skin, covered with psychic tatoos and their eyes glow with an ectoplasmic sheen. Amazingly these two species get along very well, however thet all know they have different aproachs to everything. Demiholders speak Common.
COMBAT Demiholders wont normally attack unless defending themselves or if they are provoked. They often attempt to use as many of their powers as they can. Spell-like abilities or Psionics* (Su): Depending on the type of Demiholder sub-species they can spells or psionic powers as a 10th level sorceror or psion. It can cast or manifest 7/6/6/6/4 spells or powers. All-around Vision (Ex): They have many eyes thus can easily look in more than two directions at the same time. Their many eyes give them a +4 racial bonus to all spot checks, and they cant be flanked. Flight (Ex): A Demiholders body is naturally bouyant. This buoyancy allows it to fly as the the spell as a free action, at the speed of 20 ft. This buoyancy also grants it a permant feather-fall effect with personal range.
DEMIHOLDER SOCIETY Demiholders are normally friendly and goo-natured creatures. They however constantly war with their bigger more powerful ancestors the Beholders. The art of magic and psionics play's a major role in their society. Their two patron deitys Ogyrnii (psionics) and Kraskall (magic) look like two giant beholders teach them the ways of understanding and peace, rather than the great mother who is their evil half-sister.
DEMIHOLDER CHARACTERS Psionics Demiholders favored class is Psion whilst a Arcane Demiholders favored class is sorceror. Clerics of either Ogyrnii or Kraskall can take any of the following domains; Community, Good, Magic or Rune.