Medium-size outside (law, evil) Hit Dice: 6d8+12 (39 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 50 ft AC: 18 (+2 dex, +6 natural) Attacks: +3 scimitar +10/+5 melee or ranged touch +9 melee Damage: +3 scimitar 1d6+4 Face/reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special attacks: energy ray, blinding light Special qualities: SR 26, fast healing 5, vulnerabilty Saves: Fort +7, Reflex +7, Will +11 Abilties: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 18 Skills: intimidate +5, Spot, +3 Sense motive +5 Feats: Iron Will, improved intiative
_________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: anywhere on positive energy plane Organization: solitary, pair, or squad (2-10) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: standard Alignment: Always Lawful Evil Advancement: by character class
Luxrakax are evil creatures that live on the positive energy plane. Despite being evil luxvrakax do not think of themselves as such. On the contrary they are so convinced of their moral superiority that they believe they are obligated to kill or enslave all other "lesser beings". A luxvrakax looks like a beetle like humanoid standing around 4 feet tall. It stands on 2 thick legs and has 4 smaller arms. Its body is multicolored with "tiles" of different colors, similar to a stained glass window.
COMBAT Blinding light (Su): once every 1d4 rounds a luxvrakax may unleash a burst of blinding light from its body. Any non luxvrakax creature that has eyesight must make a fortitude save (DC 15) or be perminantly blinded. Energy ray (Su): As a standard action a luxvrakax may project a deadly ray of positive energy with a ranged touch attack. Anyone hit by it must make a fortitude save (DC 15). If the save fails the target is filled with positive energy until its body is incenerated from within 1 round later. A creature that manages to save only takes 5d6 points of damage. Vulnerabiltiy (Ex): Luxvrakax always take max damage from spells that use negative energy, such as the inflict wounds line.