BONE DANCER Tiny Magical Beast Hit Dice: 5d10+2 (27 hp) Initiative: +5 (Dex.) Speed: 40ft AC: 25 (+5 Dex , +10 natural) Attacks: returning Dagger +10 melee Damage: Dagger 1d4 Face/Reach: 5ft. x 5ft. Special Qualities: Animate Dead Abilities: Str 3, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 15, Cha 3 Saves: Fort. +3, Ref. +5, Will +2 Feats: Weapon Proficiency (dagger), Blind-Fight, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes. Skills: Hide +13, Spot +10 ________________________________ Climate/terrain: Any underground Organization: Solitary or mining crew (3-8) CR: 8 Treasure: 2d8 onyx (worth 50 gp each) Alignment: Any non-good Advancement: By character class
Bone Dancers are reclusive creatures that resemble avian skeletons without a ribcage. In reality, they just have a bone-like exoskeleton.
COMBAT Bone Dancers always send their skeletal minions after enemies first, and dont attack the enemy themselves until it is obvious that they have to. Animate Dead (Su): Bone Dancers can use animate dead as cast by a 10th level Necromancer to create a skeleton 10 times a day.
Bone Dancers only work together to mine onyx for their animate dead spells.