ONYX SERPENT Small magical Beast HD:1/2d8+1(3hp) Initiative:+1 (dex) Speed:20ft AC:13(+1size,+1dex,+1natural) Attacks:Bite,Swallow Whole,Animate Animal Damage:Bite 1d4-2 plus poison Face/Reach:2ft by 4ft/ 3ft Special attacks:Swallow Whole,Animate Animal Special Qualities:None Saves:Fort+1,Ref+1,Will+1 Abilities:Str7,Dex12,Con13,Int2,Wis13,Cha4 _______________________________ Climate/Terrain:Any temperate or tropical Organization:Solitary,pair,or pack(2-5) CR:1/4 Treasure:none Alignment:Usually neutral Advancement:1/4hd(tiny)1/2hd(small)1hd(medium)
Onyx serpents are magical snakes as black and shiny as the gems bearing their name. An onyx serpent that encounters prey usually tries to get in a few bites and let the poison finish them off. Once an onxy serpent has feed, it slithers off to rest and sunbathe and digest for about a week or two. If it is not hungry (which is most of the time) the onyx serpent will attempt to animate a tiny animal it killed to defend it. If it encounters potential prey but is full and has a defender, it simply ignores the creature and goes on sunbathing, obsorbing light with its shiny black scales.
Poison(ex):Initial damage 1d2 strength, secondary 1d4 con, fortitude save dc:13 Swallow whole(ex):An onyx serpent can swallow a tiny size or smaller creature after a succesful grapple check. Aftert that the creature takes 1d4 acid damage and 1 bludeoning damage from the onyx serpent's stomache. It can cut itself out by dealing 2 points of slashing or peircing damage to the serpents stomache. After it leaves, a muscular action closes the hole, so another swallowed creature must cut its own way out. Animate Animal(sp):Once per day, as cast by a 1st level necromancer.