Medium-sized Ooze Hit Dice: 2d6+18 (21 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30 ft. AC: 8 (+5 natural) Attacks: 1d4* claws +5 melee, or 1d4* Bites +6 melee, or 1d4* Tentacles +7 melee Damage: Claw 1d6+3, Bite 1d4+1 plus poison, Tentacle 3d8 subdual damage Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Poison Special Qualities: Amophous Weapons, Tremorsense Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +11 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14 Skills: Bluff +8, Intimidate +5, Read Lips +6, Search +6, Sense Motive +7, Spot +5 Feats: Alertness, Improved Critical (bite and claw), Iron Will __________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Organization: Solitary, pair or pack (3-9) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: Double Standrad Gems; Standard Alignment: Always evil (any) Advancement: By character class
Crimson are a race of sentient oozes that have become almost as common as Humanoids. Despite their appearance they are not creatures of chaos, but rather creatures of Evil. They exist only to serve themselves and enjoy in spreading horror. Infact to enjoy themselves they ruin other peoples lives, make the mad and mentally scar them for the pure malicous fun of it. Despite their seemingly horrifying physiques, they are not savage beasts. Infact they are very complex and suggestive creatures, and often strike deals with those who dare deal with them. They almost always take back their ill-formed promises, for they never be trusted. Crimson are formless creatures, just a collection mouths, heads, eyes and tentacles. They are very diverse and no two are alike, yet for some unknown reason they are all a dark red color, hence the name Crimson. Generally though, they are about 5 ft. wide and 4 ft. tall and weigh about 250 to 400 pounds. Crimson's have many mouths, so they have a multitude of strange voices. Some can be deep and resonic, high and harsh, dry or gurgly, they are all different. However they speak in unison with what the Crimson is saying. They speak a horrifying language of complex screeching, throat rumbling and harsh sounding words. If their language was strange, then their names are unpronouncable to most humanoids. Most have names that sound like short collection of average Crimson sounds, roaring, screeching and the like. Adventuring Crimson therefore often gain nick-names. They live about 90 years. Crimson speak Common, Undercommon and their Tounge.
Crimson rarely put themselves in harms way. They would rather bluff and cheat their way out of a fight using lies, trickery and intimidation. If forced to fight they form dangerous natural weapons quickly.
Poison (Ex): Bite; DC 18; 1d6 tempory Str damage; secondary damage 1d4 tempory Int damage.
Amorphous Weapons (Su): Once per round a Crimson gains 1d4 claws, bites of tentacles. It cannot mix what weapons it gets per round, not can it control the amount. All it can do is choose what natural weapon it going to use.
Tremorsense (Ex): Crimsons can sense anything 90 ft. from itself.