Small Animal Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (15 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: 10 ft. AC: 14 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural) Attacks: Bite +0 melee Damage: Bite 1d4+1 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Psionics Special Qualities: Psionics Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4 Skills: Hide +14*, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +6
____________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm desert, forest, hill, plains, and underground Organization: Nest (3-6) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small), 7-9 HD (Medium-size)
Dire brain moles look just like a brain mole, but bigger. Also, dire brain moles are slightly more aggressive, tending to hunt as much as they lie in wait for prey.
COMBAT Dire brain moles think just like other brain moles in combat. They gather in groups, launching simultaneous psionic attacks upon their prey. They are less likely than a typical brain mole to back down from a fight, however. Psionics (Sp): At will--burst, detect psionics, and distract. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 10th-level psion. Attack/Defense modes (Sp): At will--mind thrust/empty mind. Disease (Ex): Cascade flubite; Fortitude save (DC 13), incubation period one day, damage psionic cascade. Every time the character manifests a power, she must make a Concentration check (DC 16). On a failed save, a psionic cascade is triggered (see Psionic Disease in Chapter 4: Psionics). Skills: *A dire brain mole receives a +10 cover bonus on Hide checks when in its burrow.