Large Aberration (Aquatic) Hit Dice: 8d8+24 (52 hp) Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Speed: 20ft., swim 40ft. AC: 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural armor) Attacks: bite +6 melee Damage: bite 2d6+1 Face/Reach: 5ft. x 5ft. (coiled)/ 10ft. Special Attacks: Ground manipulation, improved grab, constrict, spells Special Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60ft., fast healing 5, sticky exterior Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +7 Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15 Skills: Concentration +12, Listen +11, Spellcraft +11, Spot +11, Swim +15 Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes _______________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: any brackish aquatic Organization: solitary Challenge Rating: 8 Treasure: standard Alignment: usually neutral evil Advancement: 9-11 HD (large), 12-20 HD (huge), 21+ HD (see Greater)
GREATER BRACKISH NAGA Huge Aberration (Aquatic) Hit Dice: 21d8+83 (198 hp) Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Speed: 30ft., swim 60ft. AC: 18 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural armor) Attacks: bite +19 melee (19-20/x2), tail slam +13 melee Damage: bite 2d8+5, tail slam 1d6+2 Face/Reach: 10ft. x 10ft. (coiled)/ 10ft. Special Attacks: Ground manipulation, sinkhole, improved grab, constrict, spells Special Qualities: Amphibious, darkvision 60ft., fast healing 7, sticky exterior Saves: Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +15 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 19 Skills: Concentration +17, Knowledge (any one) +9, Listen +15, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +15, Spot +15, Swim +19 Feats: Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat Casting, Improved Critical (bite), Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (bite) _____________________________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: any brackish aquatic Organization: solitary + 50% chance of 1d4 followers Challenge Rating: 21 Treasure: double standard Alignment: usually neutral evil Advancement: 22+ HD (huge)
Along the coasts of spits and salt marshes reside creatures which abhor contact with other forms of life, including their own species. Many of their attitudes are directly affected by the local environment, weather, and persistence of the surrounding races to invade their spheres of influence. Most people near salt marshes claim the abrasive sourness of the water spawns evil contempt amongst those who remain within the waters shores too long. The brackish naga is a perfect example of such a creature. Wizards have long researched how these creatures came to be. They believe the brackish naga originated from rogue water nagas that abandoned their previous domains, for the richer and more active salt water coasts. Over the eons, the salts of the seas and oceans slowly permeated every grain of their being, and demeaning their own existence. If the salts did not drive the nagas insane, then it surely roughed them into fits of madness leading to vile acts. Specimens of brackish nagas have been captured and preserved at arcane arts colleges across the globe, and very similar observations have been made about the creatures. Their appearance is much like that of normal water nagas, but with coloration ranging from sea blues to the decaying browns of the marshes. It is unsure if their color deviation is permanent, or if they possess a slow adapting chameleon-like ability. Also, the brackish nagas tail tends to be more alligator or crocodile-like, aiding the brackish naga in its primary mode of motion, saltatory swimming. All specimens have been observed to secrete a natural lubrication which defers an overall shiny appearance to their otherwise sticky, almost glue-coated, bodies. The secretions are believed to help the naga maintain a normal osmotic homeostasis within the salty rich regions from which they reside. The sticky substance that is secreted binds almost anything it comes in contact with, until the surface is completely coated. The naga replenishes its sticky coat every time it immerses itself in salt water. In addition, it is known that they use their sticky nature to coat themselves in sand, leaves, or other matter of the area while out of the water, either to increase the effectiveness, remain cool, or to assist in hiding. It has been reported that there exist brackish nagas which have advanced their abilities above the rest of their species. These greater brackish nagas excel in their spellcasting ability, while coming to realize that controlling those you meet is more important that hedging out everyone. Some even draw the occasional misguided follower, generally, humanoid and monstrous humanoids who lack the intelligence or willpower to think properly for themselves.
COMBAT Lesser brackish nagas are juvenile in their combat, and their use of strategy and tactics have been reduced from those utilized by most water nagas. . Most lesser brackish nagas will rush into combat when they feel they have the upper hand, enhancing themselves first with such spells as mage armor, bull strength, and haste. Brackish nagas that choose to enter into melee combat, employ their bite and improved grab to draw foes into their constricting coils. However, some lesser brackish nagas will remain hidden, before unleashing a volley of magic missiles, lesser orbs, and the occasional fireball. Ground Manipulation (Su): At will, as a standard action, a brackish naga can cause earth and stone within 10ft. of it to become like quicksand or muck. The softening of earth, sand, or the like takes 1 round, while the softening of stone takes 2 rounds. Any creature other than the naga caught in the area must take a move equivalent action to avoid becoming pinned in the motile earth. Improved Grab (Ex): If the brackish naga hits a medium or smaller creature with its bite, it may immediately attempt to constrict it. Constrict (Ex): The brackish naga behaves much like large constrictors do when they hunt and kill prey. In order to constrict a foe, a brackish naga must succeed at a bite attack, and then at a grapple check. If the grapple check succeeds, the brackish naga immediately begins to constrict the foe dealing 2d8 points of bludgeoning damage each round the constriction is maintained. A brackish naga may continue to bite the foe it is constricting, or attack another. The brackish naga also gains a +6 bonus to grapple checks due to its sticky coating. Spells: Lesser brackish nagas cast spells as 7th level sorcerers, and can also cast spells from the cleric domains of Destruction and Evil as arcane spells. Amphibious (Ex): Although brackish nagas breathe by means of gills, they can survive indefinitely on land. Fast Healing (Ex): A brackish naga regains lost hit points at faster rate than usual. As long as the brackish naga remains in contact with a body of salt water, it regains 5 hit points a round. Sticky Exterior (Ex): The brackish naga is not subject to its own sticky exterior, however, it does confer a few benefits to the naga. The sticky exterior given an hour to dry in direct sunlight increases the nagas natural armor by 2, loses its adhesive nature, but remains malleable. Any unsuccessful physical attack made against the nagas body is accompanied by a Reflex save (DC 14) or the surface contacting the naga becomes stuck. If the save fails, the weapon is yanked from the attackers hand. Any creature using natural weapons, such as unarmed attacks, that becomes stuck to the naga is considered pinned, loses its Dex bonus to AC, and risks being constricted beginning of the next round unless the naga is already constricting a creature. Skills: A brackish naga can gain a +1 Hide bonus per round that it spends preparing their exterior to adhere to items of the surroundings, such as loose leaves, sand, or under brush. This hide bonus does not work if the naga is immersed in salt water. Due to their long snake-like body and crocodilian tale, a brackish naga gains a +8 racial bonus to swim (added in to the statistics already.)
COMBAT Greater brackish nagas always forego rushing into battle, and instead observe conceived enemies, while preparing by enhancing themselves with spells such as stoneskin, fire shield, and minor globe of invulnerability. Ground Manipulation (Su): As the lesser brackish nagas ability. Sinkhole (Su): Up to 5/day, a greater brackish naga can use their ground manipulation ability to an even greater extent. The greater brackish naga can pinpoint a single 5ft by 5ft. patch of earth or stone within 30ft. of it to be affected by its ground manipulation. This ability is often used to topple trees by loosening the earth beneath one side. Improved Grab (Ex): If the greater brackish naga hits a Large or smaller creature with its bite or tail slam, it may immediately attempt to constrict it. Constrict (Ex): Same as Lesser, but includes if successful hit with tail slam, damage increases to 4d6, and the Greater gains a +8 bonus to grapple due to its even stickier coating. Spells: A greater brackish naga has a total caster level of ½ HD + (Wis or Cha bonus, whichever is higher). Greater brackish nagas cast spells as sorcerers of level equal to 1/2 HD (rounded down), cleric spells as a cleric of level equal to 1/4 HD (rounded down), and spells from the cleric domains of Destruction and Evil as arcane spells. Amphibious (Ex): Although brackish nagas breathe by means of gills, they can survive indefinitely on land. Fast Healing (Ex): A greater brackish naga regains lost hit points at faster rate than even its lesser form did. As long as the brackish naga remains in contact with a body of salt water, it regains 7 hit points a round. Sticky Exterior (Ex): Same as the lesser, with the following exceptions. The drying time increases to 2 hours, and confers a +4 natural armor bonus. The Reflex save against getting stuck increases to a DC 18. Skills: Same as lesser brackish naga.