Fine Vermin
Hit Dice: 1/8d8 (1hp)
Initiative: +19 (+15 dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 10ft, climb 5ft, fly 20ft
AC: 43 (+8 size, +15 dex, +6 enhanced dodge, +4 total defense) Not flying
48 flying (+1 dodge, +4 mobility)
Attacks: None
Damage: None
Face/Reach: ½ ft. X ½ ft./0
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: All-around Vision, Enhanced dodge, Total defense
Saves: Fort +0, Ref + 17, Will +0
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 40, Con 10, Int - , Wis 10, Cha 3
Skills: Spot + 29, Climb +8, Search +10
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Skill Focus (spot)
Climate/Terrain: Any non-artic or aquatic
Organization: Solitary or swarm (10-100)
CR: 1/16
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -
The common house fly has always been a nuisance since the begging of time, and continues to be so to this very day. Even the hardiest, bravest, and most skilled adventurers have a hard time dealing with this annoying pest. Theyre pests. Plain and simple. They infect our food with their diseases and their offspring. Their larvae (maggots) eat the flesh of the dead corpses in which they are laid until they mature into adult flies, simply to repeat the process.
Flies dont actually attack in a conventional sense, they just buzz around their opponents in an annoying fashion.
Enhanced dodge (Ex): +6 dodge bonus to AC
All-round vision (Ex): +10 search & spot & cant be flanked
Total defense (Ex): Always uses the total defense action every round (+4 dodge bonus)
Disease (Ex): Flies can infest food that has been left out with filth fever.
Note: Flies can only be attacked by attacks of opportunity or readied actions while in flight.