ILLUTACH Large aberration Hit Dice : 8d8+56 Initiative : +8 (+4dex, +4 improved initiative) Speed : 30ft AC : 20 (-1 size, +4 dex, +7 natural) Attacks : 2 claws +12 , 4 tentacles +10 Damage : claw 1d6+7, tentacle 1d6+3 Face/reach : 5 ft. By 5ft./10ft Special attacks : mind blast, psionics, impoved grab, rend, extract Special qualities : scent, regeneration 5, telepathy, SR 25. Saves : fort +9, ref +8, will +8 Abilities : str 25, dex 18, con 25, int 14, wis 15, cha 12 Skills : move silently +14, hide +14, listen +14, spot +14, balance +6 Feats : multi attack, combat reflexes, impoved initiative, lightning reflexes, alertness _______________________________________________________ Climate/terrain : any underground Organization : solitary, patrol (2-5), escort (2-4 per mind flayer present) Challenge rating : 10 Treasure : standard Alignement : usually lawful evil Advancement : by character class
The ceremorphosis is the process of reproduction of the mind flayer, it consist in implanting an humanoid with an illithid tadpole who eat the host brain and beggin the metamorphosis into an adult illithid. The host is usually an human or elves or other sentient mide-size humanoid but the mind flayers are known to make experiment on other type of creatures aswell (the urophion is a well know and terrific success). The illutach is a recent and dangerous result of this experiment, consisting in implantig a powerfull troll with a tadpole. The illutach look like a dark green troll with an oily skin, no noose, two little white eyes and 4 nasty looking tencacle circling a rectangular mouth full of shark like teeth. Illutachs speaks undercommon
COMBAT Illutach are deadly opponents, they usualy ambush her prey by using her skills or psionics ability. In combat they concentrate one until he is no longer a menace, they tend to use ccordinates tactics either with mind flayer or other illutach thank to her telepathy Mind blast (Sp): same as a mind flayer capacity. Psionics (Sp): detect toughts, levitate ( 8th caster dc 13+ spell level) Impoved grab (Ex): if an illutach hits with his two claws or a tentacle on a creature from small to huge size he can freely engage in a grapple, if he get a hold he can attempt to attached all his tentacle on the victims head by succeding another grapple check, he get a +2 bonus for every already attached tentacle at the biginning of his victim turn and +2 if he has a hold with his claws, a success means he has attached all his tentacle on his opponents head. Rend (Ex): if an illutach hits with his two claws he can rend his opponent for 2d6+10 additionnal damage. If an illutach rend, that break any hold he was having with his claws. Extract (Ex): if all the illutachs tencacles have a hold on his opponents head, the illutach extract the brain, instantly killing the victim. Regeneration (Ex): illutach take normal damage from acid and fire. Telepathy (Su): illutach can communicate with any creature able to speak a language of anysort ( 100 ft range)
Illutach are part of the mind flayer society, they are bred for sole purpose of guarding and and protecting the elder brain and other important illithid, they also often serve as scout and as guard to illithids inqisition or cult.
Illutach favored class is monk as they are trained intensively by the community but rogue and psychic warrior are also common.