Fodarick Diminutive Magical Beast HD:1/2d10 (2hp) Initiative:+1(dex) Speed: 5ft, fly 20ft (good) AC:17(+4 size,+1 dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection) Attacks: Bite+1 melee Damage: Bite 1d2-4 Face/Reach: 1ft/ 0ft Special Attacks: Energy Burst, spell-like abilities. Special qualities: Damage Reduction 1/ silver Saves: Fort+0,Ref+1,Will+1 Abilities: Str2, Dex13, Con11, Int2, Wis13, Cha6 Skills: Hide+10, Spot+2, Listen+2 Feats: Weapon Finesse (Bite) ________________________________________ Climate/Terrain: Warm forest or underground Organization: Solitary, Pair, Group (2-5) or flock (7-14) Alignment: Always Neutral CR: 1/3 Treasure: None Advancement: 1/2-1hd(diminutive)
A fodarick looks a lot like a cross between a bat and a lizard. Fodaricks have dull grayish-brown backs, black underbellies, and brilliant rainbow patterns on the undersides of their wings. Fodaricks are biologically built to be natural conductors of magical energy, and this has made them hunted as many of their body parts are useful material components. An entire dead fodarick is worth 10gp and sells for 15-20gp on the open market.
Energy Burst(su): Once Per day, A fodarick can unleash a burst of powerful magical energy dealing 1 point of acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, and sonic damage to all within 5 feet of it. Other fodaricks are immune to this effect. A succesful reflex save dc15 negates the damage.
Spell-like abilities: Once per day prestadigitation, ray of frost, and dispel cantrip.