Lifeless Liberator Medium Undead HD:4d12(26hp) Initiative:+2(dex) Speed:30ft,climbe30ft AC:13(+2dex,+1natural) Attacks:2 claws+4 melee, bite-1 melee Damage:1d6+2, 1d4+2 and 1d6 wisdom drain Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft Special Attacks:Ability drain,sever control, create spawn Special Qualities:Free spirit,Undead,Kytonbane Saves:Fort+4,Ref+2,Will+7 Abilities:Str15,Dex15,Con-,Int11,Wis12,Cha18 Skills:39 Escape artist+12,Spot+2,Listen+3,hide+5, profession(winemaking)+4 Feats:Iron Will ________________________________________ Climate/Terrain:Any Land Organization:Solitary,watch(1 plus 2-4 celestial skeletons),companionship(1 plus 1 awakened skeleton and 2-4 celestial skeletons) liberation(2-4 and 4-8 celestial skeletons), or revolution(2-4 libererators, 4-8 celestial skeletons, 1 ghaele) CR:3 Treasure:Standard Alignment:Always Chaotic Good Advancement:5-7hd(medium)
A lifeless liberator is sometimes created when a slave dies trying to escape under supernatural circumstances. Lifeless liberators appear as thin figures with tattered clothing and whip scars and cuff-marks are engraved on their flesh. Regardless of how they were in life their eyes shine brightly with a fluctuating light and their smooth green flesh seems plastic-like. Lifeless liberators seek to release others from oppression as they were oppressed in life. Although friendly they usually work alone unless uniting with others to overthrow some great tyrant. Although they take it upon themselves to help others, they still like to enjoy their existance and are patrons of fine wine.
Create Spawn(su):A creature reduced to zero wisdom by a lifeless liberator's create spawn attack rises within 1d4 days as a celestial skeleton. The skeletons have intelligence of 2 and alignment neutral good and, while not directly controlled by the liberator, they will still follow it around and fight alongside it.Once per year a lifeless liberator may awaken one of the celestial skeletons under it's control giving it the same mental abilities as the lifeless liberator and giving it the toughness feat. After a year this awakened skeleton becomes a lifeless liberator itself. Sever Control(su):Once per day a holy liberator can free a creature from any hold,dominate,or mind controll effects influencing it at the time. Free spirit(su):A lifeless liberator is immune to halt undead and cannot be commanded by an evil cleric, only rebuked. It also has a +2 resistance bonus to all saving throws against lawful spells and spell-like abilities.
Kytonbane(su):Half of the reason lifeless liberators exist is to combat kytons. Lifeless liberators gain a +4 racial dodge bonus to AC against a kyton's chain rake and a +4 attack bonus against a kyton. All a lifeless liberator's weapons, natural included, are treated as +2 blessed weapons for the purposes of regeneration and damage reduction.