Eadar Medium-size Humanoid (Eadar, Fire) Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) Initiative: +4 Speed: 40 ft. AC: 12 (+2 leather) Attacks: Longsword +1 melee Damage: Longsword 1d8 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Qualities: Fire subtype Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 11 Skills: Balance +1, Climb +3, Jump +3 Feats: Improved Initiative, Desert Dweller (B) Climate/Terrain: Any land Organization: Solitary, Pair, Group (2-5), Caravan (5-20), Monastery (20-40) Challenge Rating: 1/2 Treasure: None Alignment: Usually lawful neutral Advancement: By character class
Eadar are a race seeking inner enlightenment. They live orderly lives, and practice many forms of meditation to reach this state of enlightenment. They also prefer hot weather, they rarely, if ever, can adapt to extreme cold weather. Eadar are just as willing to teach as they are to learn, and also just as willing to fight as to use diplomacy. They believe that if they are to ever find the enlightenment, they must balance each aspect of their life.
Eadar are a race of humanoids that resemble humans. The major difference is in the face. An Eadar has 3 eyes, two in the normal places, the other slightly above them and directly in between the eyes at the center. Their skin is a light reddish color, and they move faster than a normal creature its size. Eadar reach majority at 25 and live for about 200 years.
Their society is run in monasteries spread throughout arid lands and deserts. Each monastery rivals the other, but only for the purpose of perfecting fighting skills, never of open hatred. Eadar cant stand the cold lands, so most tend to live in warm, low lands.
Eadar speak Common and Eadar.
Combat Most eadar train in the monasteries from birth to adulthood. However, some eadar do not follow this path and are trained to be guards, clerics, and other functionaries. Even those eadar do have some form of martial arts training.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Eadar are immune to fire damage. Also, eadar take double damage from cold unless a saving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage on a failure.
Eadar Traits (Ex): Antalotians benefit from a number of racial traits.
- Low-light Vision: Eadar can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, etc.
Skills: Eadar gain a +1 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, and Jump checks. Eadar SocietyEadar typically live their lives secluded in their monasteries and desert cities. These cities tend to be well hidden from any not looking, which serve the eadar isolationist attitude well. Occasionally eadar are sent out on diplomatic missions with nearby human settlements to buy goods for the community. Eadar follow the god Eadariat, the Enlightened One. An eadars spirituality is focused on meditation and a searching for inner peace. Eadariat teaches that inner focus leads to an ultimate enlightenment. Eadar CharactersAn eadars favored class is the monk. Eadar monks may multiclass freely with any other class, which some often do.