Wretched Ghoul Medium Undead HD:2d12(13hp) Initiative:+2(dex) Speed: 30ft AC:14 (+2 dex, +2 nautral) Attacks: Bite+3 melee, 2 claws+1 melee Damage: Bite1d6+1 and disease, claw 1d4 Face/Reach: 5ft/5ft Special Attacks: Disease, Cause Fear Special Qualities: Undead, Spell resistance 7, light sensitivity, subdual substitution Saves: Fort+0, Ref+2, Will+4 Abilities:Str13,Dex15,Con-,Int8,Wis12,Cha6 Skills: Search+3, hide+9, escape artist+8, diplomacy+0, listen+6, spot+3 Feats: Multiattack, Weapon finesse ______________________ Climate/Terrain: Any graveyard or underground Organization: Solitary, mourn(2-4), or haunt (7-12) Challenge Rating: 1 Treasure: Goods and items only Alignment: Usually neutral
Wretched ghouls are humanoid undead that feast upon the flesh of dead bodies. These ghouls have thin-stretched leathery skin, long spidery clawed hands, irregular jagged teeth, and sunken eyes. They spend most of their unlife sulking about, searching for corpses to feed upon and hiding in the shadows from sunlight. Wretched ghouls are not agressive or malevolent unlike other flesh-eating undead. They are mostly harmless and cowardly, prefering to simply be left alone. They are however generally icky and upleasant, and they have very cynical, pessimistic, depressing, and morbid personalities.
COMBAT Wretched ghouls would rather run or hide than fight. If cornered they will attempt to bargain for their safety with what little they possess or frighten enemies away with their cause fear ability. When there is no option other than violence, the start with a cause fear and retreat, then beat enemies into unconciousness with subdual damage to avoid killing them, fleeing as soon as most of the attacking forces have been scared off or knocked out. Disease(ex): Grave rot, fort save dc:14, incubation 1d6 days, damage 1d6 temporary str and 1d6 temporary con. Cause Fear(sp): Twice per day, as cast by a first level cleric. Subdual Substitution(ex): Wretched ghouls can choose to deal subdual damage instead of normal damage with their claw and bite at no penalty. Daylight sensitivity(ex): Wretched ghouls suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks in bright light, such as broad daylight or a daylight spell. Skills: Wretched ghouls recieve a +3 racial bonus to hide and listen checks, and a +2 racial bonus to escape artist and move silently checks.