Glowbeetle Diminutive Magical Beast HD:1/4d10(1hp) Initiative:+3(dex) Speed:10ft, fly 20ft(good) AC:19(+4 size,+3 dex,+1 deflection,+1 natural) Attacks:Bite+0 melee Damage: Bite1d2-4 Face/Reach: 1ft/0ft Special Attacks:Eye beam, faerie fire Special Qualities:Flicker, magical aura Saves:Fort+2,Ref+5,Will+1 Abilities:Str2,Dex16,Con10,Int1,Wis12,Cha6 Skills:Spot+2,Listen+2 Feats:None ________________________________________ Climate: Any temperate or tropical forest, plains or underground. Organization:Solitary, Pair, glow(2-5) or dazzle(6-12) Challenge Rating:1/8 Treasure:See Text Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement:None
Glowbeetles resemble oversized fireflies with glowing eyes and a shiny back. These creatures emit forms of magical light ranging from yellow to blue. Glowbeetles feed mainly on lichens, mosses, and glowing fungi, although they still enjoy an occasional grass, particularly clover. Glowbeetles are sometimes hunted because the substance in their abdomens is a powerful alchemical ingredient used in making sunrods. The chemicals in one glowbeetle are worth 5gp and provide enough to craft 9 sunrods with the addition of 1gp worth of alchemical catalysts, preservatives, and plant material for the actual rod portion.
Glowbeetles generally try to avoid combat. When forced into battle, they usually try to dazzle enemies with an eye beam and then flee.
Eye Beam(su):Every other round a glowbeetle can emit a 5ft wide 10ft long concentrated beam of supernatural light. Any creatures in the area must make a reflex save (dc:11) or be dazzled for 1d12 rounds. Faerie Fire(sp): Once per day, as cast by a first level druid. Flicker(ex):A glowbeetle's abdomen is filled with bioluminecent quasi-alchemical fluids causing it to flicker with a mild glow sporadically. Each turn there is a 25% chance that a glowbeetle's square will be fully illuminated. Magical Aura(su):A detect magic spell detects a glowbeetle as having a faint evocation[light] aura.